10 reasons why everyone should use a humidifier

Using a humidifier or evaporator to moisturize the air in your home is not only an effective way to make your living conditions more comfortable, but it can also play a key role in helping alleviate s...

Using a humidifier or evaporator to moisturize the air in your home is not only an effective way to make your living conditions more comfortable, but it can also play a key role in helping alleviate symptoms of various health conditions. Below, we list the ten most common reasons why you should consider using a humidifier to moisturize the air in your home or office

10 reasons why everyone should use a humidifier

1. Moisturize your skin and lips

Dry air may cause various unpleasant symptoms on your skin. When forced ventilation heating operates and causes the humidity level to drop between 20-30%, or when the weather is particularly dry, your skin begins to lose moisture. This can cause your skin to feel tight, dry, itchy, and flaky

The skin on your hands is particularly susceptible to the loss of this moisture, and the lips are also composed of soft skin, so when the air becomes dry, they become more prone and frequent to dryness. If left untreated, your lips may even begin to crack

Hand moisturizer can help you recover lost moisture, and using a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home can also help you naturally replenish moisture.

. This not only helps alleviate common symptoms related to dry skin, but also provides various other benefits

2. Protect your throat

When exposed to low humidity indoor air, your vocal cords may become dry and itchy. If these conditions persist and your throat is continuously stimulated for a long time, you may become hoarse and lose your voice

This is especially true if you have recently been exposed to influenza or viruses. The humidifier has also been proved to be an effective tool to prevent asthma, a childhood virus that can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and lead to persistent cough and Hoarse voice Maintaining the optimal level of humidity at home can help lubricate and soothe your throat. Conversely, this helps to reduce problems that may cause inflammation of the trachea and throat

3. Soothing your sinuses.

Low humidity can make your sinuses channels dry and notorious.

. This feeling is terrible. In worse cases, it may lead to nose discomfort, sinus pressure, headache, and even Nosebleed

Everything you should know before purchasing a cold mist humidifier.

Contrary to what many people may think, when your nose is stuffy, humidity is another natural method to help clear it. This is helpful because moist air helps maintain the flow of mucus and reduces your chances of developing nasal congestion

Achieving the optimal level of humidity in the air not only helps to soothe the sinuses, but also helps reduce the chance of nasal discharge and allows you to remove excess mucus, making your breathing more free.

4. Preventing the spread of influenza virus

Using a humidifier can also help you avoid getting infected first.

. A study by the National Academy of Sciences found that there was a strong correlation between dry conditions and the spread and survival of influenza viruses

Researchers have found that when the absolute humidity in the air is too low, influenza viruses can survive for longer periods of time and can spread more easily among everyone.

. During the flu season, if you use a humidifier at home, you are more likely to create an environment that is not conducive to the survival of influenza, thus reducing your chances of catching influenza Of course, there are many other things you can and should do every day to prevent yourself from contracting the flu. It is worth noting that this includes washing hands as frequently as possible and disinfecting all areas of the home that are frequently touched by others, such as door handles

5. Relieve Disease Symptoms

If you have a cold or flu, a humidifier can help alleviate many unpleasant symptoms that accompany illness.

. These symptoms may include difficulty breathing, nasal congestion and dryness, and a sore throat. Using a humidifier or evaporator can not only help you alleviate symptoms, but also help you accelerate overall recovery time

6. Keep your cilia healthy

A humidifier helps to keep the cilia in the nose healthy and effective.

. These microscopic cell chains are located within your nasal cavity and serve as your first line of defense against various diseases When you breathe, the cilia and mucus in your nose help catch some pollutants floating in the air. This may include dust, dander, mold, and various other particulate matter that you do not want to enter your lungs. When the air you breathe is dry, cilia cannot work as effectively as they should

7. Reduce snoring

Many people are not aware that dry air can actually cause snoring symptoms, and even increase severity.

. This situation occurs because there is insufficient moisture in the air, which causes swelling of the throat and blockage of the nose

Once this situation occurs, the flow of air through the nose will be restricted. This causes you to breathe through your mouth, and then you snore. Having the best air humidity can alleviate dryness and ultimately reduce snoring

8. Help warm your home

The moist air in your home will feel warm. On the other hand, drier air often feels colder. Allowing the humidifier to operate in winter will help maintain a comfortable temperature level without putting additional pressure on the heater. In fact, it is recommended that you use both devices simultaneously when the temperature begins to decrease

9. Humidifying indoor plants

Human beings are not the only ones who benefit from humid air.

. In fact, many of the most popular indoor plants come from the jungle, which means they thrive in environments rich in moisture in the air. When the air is too dry, it can also cause plant problems, including leaf loss, dry leaf tips, and poor development. Obviously, this will depend on the type of plants in your home, but using a humidifier can give indoor gardens better opportunities for development

10. Protect your furniture and floor

Wooden elements such as floors and furniture play a negative role in humidity fluctuations. When wooden products become too dry, they may crack and split. If the humidity in your home reaches the optimal level, you can also protect the softness and integrity of wooden furniture
