Sensitive circuit in Dehumidifier protection electronic equipment

Manufacturing, transportation, and storage of electronic equipment require strict control of conditions to prevent corrosion of sensitive components and circuits. When it reaches the end user, everyth...
Manufacturing, transportation, and storage of electronic equipment require strict control of conditions to prevent corrosion of sensitive components and circuits. When it reaches the end user, everything must proceed as expected

However, uncontrolled humidity may end up with difficulties you encounter:

Component corrosion, resulting in malfunctions

Sensitive circuit in Dehumidifier protection electronic equipment

Burrs in electrical and sensitive electronic equipment

Short circuits and product failures

Due to product failures, Poor customer relationships and brand damage

Upgrade warranty claims and insurance costs

Controlled humidity can prevent corrosion and maintain product quality

Humidity challenges for storage electronic devices

Dampness and current are never a good combination. The high humidity in the air usually leads to corrosion in components and operational failures in electrical and sensitive electronic equipment Electronic devices typically operate at very low voltages. Any corrosion layer (but very small) that may form on any surface, circuit, or component in electronic equipment can increase the resistance of the equipment, leading to various faults, from simple performance damage to unreliable to complete failures Similarly, in addition to corrosion issues, condensation caused by cold air condensation on cold surfaces may lead to electrical short circuits All of these issues become more severe when electronic products are still stored at the manufacturer's premises or on the way to end users or consumers. If the product fails to work as expected during delivery, customer relationships and brand reputation will be damaged, and claims costs and insurance issues will escalate

Avoid corrosion and rusting

When the relative humidity level in the air is above about 60%, corrosion on the metal surface will spread.

. On the other hand, the fundamental laws of physics state that any normal form of corrosion is actually impossible in clean air with a relative humidity of 45% or lower

parkoo dehumidifier is the most cost-effective and reliable way to comprehensively control moisture in the air, so it can help you eliminate corrosion and condensation problems in any type of electronic storage equipment By placing electronic devices under strict control to prevent corrosion and condensation, you can keep customers' electronic storage operations pleasant while reducing costs and limiting claims, complaints, and compensation issues

Benefits of using dehumidifier, Thereby reducing building maintenance costs

by using unique Cortex heat recovery modules, minimizing energy consumption
