High configuration room dehumidifier, a solution to humidity in high configuration rooms

High configuration room dehumidifier, a solution to humidity in high configuration rooms. Technical trends: If there is water accumulation in the high configuration room during the rainy season, it wi...

High configuration room dehumidifier, a solution to humidity in high configuration rooms. Technical trends: If there is water accumulation in the high configuration room during the rainy season, it will accelerate the rusting and corrosion of the distribution cabinet, creating safety power supply hazards; If the water accumulation is severe, it may directly soak into the live parts, causing electrical accidents such as phase to phase short circuits or single-phase grounding, causing the power grid to be unable to safely supply power

High configuration room dehumidifier, a solution to humidity in high configuration rooms

If the waterproofing of the walls in the high configuration room is not done properly, it can lead to water seepage during the rainy season. Leakage droplets on the distribution cabinet can accelerate rust and corrosion, creating safety hazards; If dripping on live parts causes insulation breakdown of electrical equipment, causing electrical accidents such as phase to phase short circuits or single-phase grounding, causing the power grid to be unable to safely supply power, and even endangering the safety of operators due to the electrification of the casing

Once the high configuration room trips or loses power, the entire factory and enterprise will be in chaos, and all facilities that use electricity will be paralyzed at the same time, posing a great threat to the normal operation of the manufacturer and the safety of personnel. So what should be done

To completely solve the problem, first understand the cause of the problem. According to expert analysis, most factory high configuration rooms are installed on the first floor or basement. Whenever humid air invades the high configuration room on rainy days, mechanical equipment inside becomes damp and causes tripping and power outage. The only way to utilize the humid air in the high configuration room is to use it_ The high configuration room dehumidifier and PD series intelligent humidity control dehumidifier are controlled and eliminated to ensure the dryness of the high configuration room and completely eliminate power outages

  _ High configuration room dehumidifiers and PD series intelligent humidity control dehumidifiers are equipped with multiple safety protection devices and multiple operation and fault display functions, ensuring safe and stable operation. The heat exchanger has high heat exchange efficiency, compact structure, low operating vibration, low noise, large dehumidification capacity, low failure rate, and long service life

The above is the introduction by the editor about the high configuration room dehumidifier, some methods for solving humidity in high configuration rooms, and precautions for use. You can learn about it. Due to the special task of the high-end room, malfunctions are not allowed. Therefore, in everyone's high-end room environment, it is necessary to pay great attention to the moisture-proof and dehumidification work of the high-end room
